When is the last time you went to your happy place?  You know—the place where you can totally and completely unplug.  The place where you can actually feel the tension begin to slip from your shoulders and neck. The place where you can breathe.

There will never be the perfect time to take off work and go.  There will always be too much to do and not enough time.  There will always be a mountain of work—whether you get away for a couple of days or not.

I just returned from a couple of days in one of my favorite spots, Carlsbad, CA.  The only way I can totally unplug is if I leave the state.  When I’m that far away, there really is nothing I can do about anything at home.  For 72 hours it feels as though I have no responsibilities.  I can actually begin to relax.

For years, I bought into the lie that it was impossible for me to take some time to relax and rejuvenate.  You may believe that same lie.

Last year, I went for the first time on a weekend getaway to Carlsbad for the sole purpose of having some time to myself to relax.  I was shocked at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefit I received.

I had been so depleted, running on fumes for far too long.  That first night I was in Carlsbad standing against the rail overlooking the ocean, feeling the cool breeze and ocean mist coming off the waves, I could literally feel something inside of me filling up.  I had such a tangible experience of feeling refreshed and renewed.  I felt like my empty tank was literally being filled up.  It’s hard to put the experience into words.

Physically, I felt I had more energy.  Mentally, I gained tremendous clarity about many things in my life.  I was able to sort through the vast array of emotions that I was keeping bottled up because there wasn’t enough time to deal with those emotions.  Spiritually, I was able to be still long enough to hear the sweet whispers of love and grace from my Creator.

I was sold. That’s why I went back this year.

I finally understood why older, wiser people in my life swore by the importance of taking time to be renewed, refreshed, rejuvenated—whatever word you’d like to use.  The only thing I can say is I wish I had done it sooner.  Now that I know better, I will do better.  I have decided to make this an annual tradition because it is good for me.  I am a better person to everyone who relies on me because I take the time to take care of myself.

Everyone needs to take time to get away and recharge.  Just so you know, it will never be the right time to take off from work or to be away from your family.  It won’t magically happen.  You have to make it happen.

There are so many benefits—we come back to work ready to dive in.  We are more energetic, less stressed, more productive, and more creative.  Who doesn’t need more of that in their life?

If you haven’t taken any time for yourself, for the sole purpose of giving yourself space to relax, recharge, and renew, then pick a date and put it on your calendar.

You don’t have to leave the state or go to the beach (although it would be nice), you just have to be creative and find a place where you can get out of your normal routine, temporarily hand over your responsibilities, and relax.  Go somewhere that is beautiful–or at least that makes you happy.  Sleep in, get a massage, do whatever is good for you for even a couple of days, and you’ll be surprised at what a difference it makes in your overall well-being and your ability to be more productive in your job.

Where is your happy place?  Did you put it on your calendar?  Leave a comment below.