One Powerful but Simple Strategy to Save Time and Help Students Elaborate on Their Ideas

Are you tired of writing in the margin “give more detail”, “please expand”, “elaborate on this idea” or “not enough detail”?  How many times have you taken off points on an assignment because a student did not give enough detail?

Getting Students to add strong supporting details in their explanations and in their writing can feel like pulling teeth.


When is the Last Time You Went to Your Happy Place?

When is the last time you went to your happy place?  You know—the place where you can totally and completely unplug.  The place where you can actually feel the tension begin to slip from your shoulders and neck. The place where you can breathe.

There will never be the perfect time to take off work and go.  There will always be too much to do and not enough time.  There will always be a mountain of work—whether you get away for a couple of days or not.


How to Know if You Are a Hero


Have you every wondered if what you do every day makes a difference?  Does it matter?  The state of education is such that every single day educators face overwhelming obstacles of all kinds. Sometimes we want to scream. Sometimes we want to quit. Sometimes we wonder if we are cut out for this job.


Why We Desperately Need a Call to Authenticity

Being real is hard work.  Honesty. Truthfulness about who we are. We live in a divided world that makes it hard to be—well, yourself.  If we are not vigilant, it is easy for us to become divided and adopt it as a lifestyle.  Social media allows us to have friends, fans, and followers in the thousands and yet no one knows who we truly are.
