Why Can’t You Look Me In The Eye?

Has anyone noticed how little eye contact there seems to be these days?  I was wondering if it was just me or if there has truly been a decline in eye contact.  So I went searching and what I found was quite interesting.

Adults these days are making eye contact somewhere between 30% – 60% of the time in an average conversation, according to research from a communications-analytics company.  These numbers seemed fairly high to me, until I read further.

I was surprised by what I discovered.


5 Ways to Make Your Classroom a Danger Zone

Most teachers want to create an environment that is warm and welcoming to the students who enter the doors of their classroom.  As educators, we know that children learn best when they are in a safe environment.

But what if some of the things we think are no big deal really are a big deal to children?  What if we are contributing to the very problem we are trying to prevent?  What if our behavior is having unintended consequences?


An Empathic Approach to Discipline in 4 Simple Steps

Boys are sent to the office more frequently than girls.  The research has not changed. Teachers not only hold the power, but also have the professional responsibility to change these statistics.

I cannot count how many times a student was sent to me for behaviors that could have been handled at the classroom level.  99% of those office referrals were boys.  Almost every time, he said the teacher never gave him a chance to explain.  I have heard (and verified) this same story countless times over the years.

Many teachers don’t understand that when they send a child to the office they give up their authority in the classroom.  The message the teacher sends to all of the students is I can’t handle this.

Every time teachers send a student to the office, they not only miss an opportunity to strengthen their relationship with the student, but also risk an increase in the unwanted behavior.
